Thursday, 26 September 2013

List of Suicide Brands

French winston box years 1990.gif

List of Suicide


ST Dupont.jpg


Rothmans Cigarettes.jpg
Rambler gul.JPG
Prince Rich Taste.JPG

Pueblo Classic.jpg
Papierosy Popularne.JPG


Pall Mall (Poland).jpg
Newport cigarettes.jpg

Marlboro logo.png
Main (cigarettes).jpg

Luckystrike neu.jpg
Lm us selection.jpg
Longbeach brand cigarettes.jpg

Lark logo2.jpg
Cigarette LD (2).jpg
KOOL Milds.png

Zigarettenschachtel Karo mit Zigarette.jpg
Player's Navy Cut.jpg

Ява (марка сигарет).jpg
Hope cigarette 02.JPG
Hollywood 1980.jpg

Gold flake Kings... new box of 20 cigs march 2010.jpg
Gauloises Limited Edition 10.JPG

Dji Sam Soe.jpg
Dunhill International Lights cigbox.jpg

Chesterfield full.JPG

Black devil vanilla IT.png

Benson & Hedges Silver 20.jpg

Pack of camel.jpg

Tobacco has a long history from its usages in the early Americas. It became increasingly popular with the arrival of the Europeans by whom it was heavily traded. Following the industrial revolution, cigarettes became popularized, which fostered yet another unparalleled increase in growth. This remained so until the scientific revelations in the mid-1900s.

Las Casas vividly described how the first scouts sent by Columbus into the interior of Cuba found

men with half-burned wood in their hands and certain herbs to take their smokes, which are some dry herbs put in a certain leaf, also dry, like those the boys make on the day of the Passover of the Holy Ghost; and having lighted one part of it, by the other they suck, absorb, or receive that smoke inside with the breath, by which they become benumbed and almost drunk, and so it is said they do not feel fatigue. These, muskets as we will call them, they call tabacos. I knew Spaniards on this island of Española who were accustomed to take it, and being reprimanded for it, by telling them it was a vice, they replied they were unable to cease using it. I do not know what relish or benefit they found in it.

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